Sportive Flying

The progression of the sports of bodyflight in wind tunnels

  In the last decade following the advanced technology development that enables everyone to fly, there were built over 80 wind tunnels around the world. The tunnel was initially used for military training and professional parachutists training, but slowly began to develop a new sport called “body flight” and there are currently over 7 million people who have already experienced worldwide flying

Leagues are held in a wind tunnel, local and international competitions for all ages and all levels. The sports of body flight is currently in tremendous growth worldwide, and now arriving to Israel

Want to take the next step in flying?

Our instructors in FlyBox will create for you personalized progression program that will get you learning different flying skills. In FlyBox you can participate and compete in leagues and formal competitions for all ages and levels

For booking time and more information you can Email: or call us: 03-9394840


Sport Flyers

Do you have a lot of flight time? To order flight packs of professional flyers you must be licensed IBA Level 1 or A level skydiver with parachuting license. Please Note the suit, a helmet and googles are not included in the packages but there is an option to rent eqiupment

 10 Minutes 950 NIS600 NIS
15 Minutes1300 NIS850 NIS
30 Minutes2550 NIS16650 NIS
60 Minutes 5000 NIS3000 NIS

Flybox new winter special rates


Sunday: 10:00-22:30
Monday: 16:00-22:30
Tusday-Thursday: 10:30-22:30
Friday-Saterday: עד 8:00-10:00, 20:00-22:30
Friday - Saterday 10:00-20:00

 weekends (Friday and Saterday) and holidays are considered On Peak time

 Please check the rates for any specific day before booking time because they are updated on a daily basis

EMAIL [email protected]
OR CALL: 03-9394840

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Want to Fly again?


Body Flight course – FAST TRACK

10 minutes of flight + trainer
Digital photos' from your flight
video 2
professional suit and full face helmet rental
More Details
Flyboxshoot-01350 (1)
learning to fly

Body Flight course

15 minutes of flight + trainer
Digital photos' from your flight
video 2
professional suit and full face helmet rental
More Details